Natur » Natural Landscapes » Uckermark Lakes Nature Park

Uckermark Lakes Nature Park

(Naturpark Uckermärkische Seen)

Size: 897 km2, broken down as follows:

  • Woodland: 423 km2 = 47 per cent
  • Pasture/grassland: 332 km2 = 37 per cent
  • Watercourses and marshland: 80 km2 = 9 per cent
  • Settlements and other: 63 km2 = 7 per cent
  • Nature conservation areas: 173 km2 = 20 per cent
  • Landscape conservation areas: 861 km2 = 96 per cent

The Uckermark Lakes Nature Park is in the gently undulating district of Uckermark, a region with an abundance of water. Besides the Lower Oder Valley National Park (Nationalpark Unteres Odertal) and the Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve (Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin), the Nature Park boasts one of the most attractive landscapes in the north-east of Brandenburg, and the charming scenery continues in the neighbouring Stechlin-Ruppiner Land Nature Park (Naturpark Stechlin-Ruppiner Land) and the Feldberg Lake District in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Feldberger Seenlandschaft in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). The landforms and natural relief developed during the Vistulian glacial period over 15,000 years ago. The many glacial lakes, potash holes and marshes are typical of the region. Half of the Nature Park is covered by woodland. As the Germans started to settle in Pomerania in the 12th century, the forest clearance associated with their arrival led to a diversely cultivated landscape with bushes, meadows, fields and hedgerows. The heraldic bird is the osprey of which there is an unusually high population here with over 30 breeding pairs. With over 100 kilometres of waterways, the days when the Nature Park was a secret among the canoeing fraternity are long gone. The information and signage system for canoeists contains tips on canoeing routes, bivouac shelters and boat hire locations as well as guidance on treating the environment with respect.


Naturpark Verwaltung und Besucherzentrum Lychen
Zehdenickerstr. 1
17279 Lychen

Tel.: 039888 64530
Fax: 039888 64555
E-Mail: np-uckermaerkische-seen @