Nuthe-Nieplitz Nature Park
(Naturpark Nuthe-Nieplitz)
Size: 623.23 km2
Lowland scenery with diverse bird life
Several birdwatching posts and hides
Jewel of the Nature Park: lake and village of Blankensee
Local produce marketing initiative "Offene Höfe der Nuthe-Nieplitz-Region"
FlämingWalk – network of Nordic walking paths
Inland dune in the "Forst Zinna-Jüterbog-Keilberg" conservation area with network of hiking trails
"Löwendorfer Turm" viewing tower
Historic old towns of Beelitz and Treuenbrietzen
Just 40 minutes' drive from Berlin's "Ku'damm" and 20 minutes from the state capital of Potsdam, a landscape unfolds as if from another world – the Nuthe-Nieplitz Nature Park. To those seeking peace and quiet, the Nature Park is like an oasis of rural tranquillity, calm and space to live and breathe. The Nuthe-Nieplitz-Niederung nature conservation area (Naturschutzgebiet Nuthe-Nieplitz-Niederung) is at the heart of the Nature Park. Flooded meadows and near-natural marshland forests are reminiscent of primordial wilderness. This is the breeding ground of the crane, the heraldic bird of the Nature Park. The chain of lakes in the north are like beads strung together on a necklace. The wide reed belts around the Riebener See, Blankensee and Grössinsee lakes provide a habitat for various different bird species. The largest lake is the Blankensee, a paradise for birds with its broad belt of reeds. Birdwatchers can also spend time observing the creatures they love in the shallow lakes in Stangenhagen. The viewing post is a favourite place regularly revisited by those who appreciate the diversity of the bird life here. Two former military training grounds add to the tourist attractions of the Nature Park alongside the lakes and meadows. Today game animals roam in the open countryside of the former Glau training ground, doing their 'job' of feeding on leaves and twigs to keep the land in order. Protection is also the watchword at the Forst Zinna-Keilberg nature conservation area. The plan here is to advance the development of core zones to wilderness zones. As visitors imbibe the fragrance of the pine forests on hiking trails and guided excursions, and as they ramble through seemingly endless birch groves reminiscent of Siberia and fields of blooming heather, they can catch a sense of how habitats can change and develop.
NaturParkZentrum am Wildgehege Glauer Tal
Glauer Tal 1
14959 Trebbin OT Blankensee
Tel: 033 731/ 700 460
Fax: 033 731/ 700 461
Email: mail @
Open daily 10-17 hrs.